1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

K-7 is a totally new concept in lures that we have worked with for more than 15 years, before the discovery of a blending miracle. Coyotes, fox, cats and coon simply CANNOT leave this lure alone, and we have perfected this paste-type lure until it does not dry out, fade or freeze out. This lure is compelling every day of the year and we believe that K-7 will be the most used lure in the nation as trappers find out just how attractive it is to everything with fur and a nose. This is your chance to try something new and very effective, and you are going to wonder how you got along without it.

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

One of our top sellers, this is a very concentrated, thick and 'pasty' lure that will take a lot of early fall rain and will withstand the extreme cold temperatures. This is a totally different concept in a lure and will attract fox, coyote, mink and coon with amazing results. It has a terrific calling power, is a proven lure, and is used by serious trappers.

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

This lure is put up in paste form for ease of application off the ground where it does the most good. When this lure is applied to brush or weeds a couple of feet high, it causes the predators to pace back and forth in the trails to locate the odor. This increases the chance that snares will be ignored or go unnoticed until it is too late. Set your snare 15 to 30 feet beyond the snare paste.

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

Big Red Fox #1 is a thick, rich, heavy-bodied gland lure. Buffed with heat urine that will really "fox" any set, it helps to eliminate that nervous shyness in both reds and grays. A very fine lure for baited dirt holes, post sets and flat sets. It puts out that natural foxy odor any time of the year, regardless of trap line terrain or conditions. Most trappers aren't aware that they have never tried a REAL gland lure, much less a GREAT one.

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

Terry Barnes says, "Your Coyote Gland is tops and I wouldn't consider trapping fox without your #2 Fox Lure. Her is a lure that certainly has no equal. It's a good heavy-based lure loaded with real fox calling odors. Most of the top fox men in the country buy this in pints to insure a season's supply. It doesn't matter what time of the year you use it, as it has the continuous ability to arouse the curiosity in a fox and cause him to work your set whether he is hungry or not. It has a deadly attraction to all the canines and no doubt is the most versatile fox lure on the market.

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

Winter Load is an effective and powerful long-range winter lure, it is made especially for use after freeze-up. It contains an "oily" skunk essence and can be used right at the set or on a weed or post three feet above ground. It can be used as a call lure 10 to 15 feet from the set. It's a long-lasting lure and a favorite with the late winter long-line trapper.

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

The little grays can be quite finicky, and this gland lure really excites and removes fears. Grays can be caught quite easily anywhere they are found with the aid of a gland lure of this quality.

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

A fresh, natural, true coyote gland odor. Made entirely from clean cut coyote glands. A thick and long lasting lure that really "Yotes" a set. Base with just the right amount of heat urine to give the true coyote odor. As one western coyote control agent put it, "It's been a long time since we were able to get a hold of a performance lure like this one."

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

Dakota Grand Coyote #2 is a lure that stands apart from the rest in its ability to risk his hide by hanging around the set and working it until he is caught. A lure that will last days and even weeks at a set. It is blended with a rich native musk that works year around, under all conditions. This is another top selling lure in the hands of any serious coyote trapper.

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

This very fine lure is made with a base of only the finest dark, aged castor, then blended together with three very important essential Ingredients. Many times while setting up a beaver trap I have had beaver swim close by, blowing and hissing at me to leave the area. A friend of mine watched a large male beaver charge up to a set with 330 on dry ground and get caught. A heavy "pasty" lure that won't wash or freeze out. I'm sure you'll agree that it will really help put a lot of beaver on the boards.

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

Here's a lure that is my personal favorite, because it really works on those old trap-shy beaver. This lure contains an ingredient most lure makers have never had the pleasure of working with. This lure is very versatile as I have knocked off a lot of mink, coon and coyote with it. Once you try this lure, you'll find it's worth every cent you paid, as it will bring you a great deal of satisfaction.

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

A beaver food lure that is very effective in attracting beaver to your set. Not made with standard ingredients but some hard to find essential oils. Effective anytime during the open water season. Will take muskrat too.

131 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

Very few men know how to handle cat gland properly to give it body. Like all my gland lures, this lure is thick, powerful and aged to just the right degree to let it give off the nice "puggy" cat odor of the cat family. A rich, pasty lure that keeps the cat's attention on your set.

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

Snow Cat Bobcat #2. One of the greatest blends of curiosity-type lures ever created for the cat family. A "potent" call-type lure that really pulls cats off their line of travel, and entices them to hang around and work your set. Very popular with the Nevada, Utah and Wyoming cat trappers who special order this by the quart.

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

Nothing tops off a set like a good mink gland lure. While this lure is attractive to a mink, it is especially deadly on long-ranging, bank-running, big old male mink. A large buck mink is always on the lookout for an intruder on his rounds and is sure to stop and investigate a set if he figures another mink has moved in on his route. This is especially valuable at dry sets.

1 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

Mink Pack Mink #2 is our top selling mink lure as it has an unequaled value in pocket sets and open water sets. It contains a curiosity scent that is unbelievably attractive to mink. It is a heavy, pasty lure that is carefully blended with aromatic musk and won't wash away. Compare it with any lure on the market for stopping power.

1781 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

We all know that rats patrol their territory and are quick to investigate any new and unusual odor. Ratty Ratty Muskrat Lure is rat lure I make will definitely attract a greater number of rats to your sets than the common apple, cherry or wintergreen. Many trappers tell us that this is an excellent coon lure. Good all season.

181 oz. Bottle ONLY $7.00; 4 oz. $24.00

With the ever increasing price of fisher, many trappers tell us they have come to depend on assured success with our fisher lure. A heavy, long reaching, non-freezing lure that no fisher will pass up. An enhancer is added for extra distance.

4 oz. jar $24.00

Otter are really attracted to this strange and different odor. It works on an otters' natural curiosity and also gives that otter territorial invasion effect. The idea with using this lure is to make an otter "Look" for it by using it in a "Peek-a-boo" hole about 18" above the water line or using it in an oversized "Pocket Set". It can also be used at crossovers and trails. "River Gypsy" has a "Loud", rich odor that stays for days and won't wash out. Sold only in 4 oz. Jars.

4 oz. $24.00

The demand for "Fat Cat" from serious cat trappers has cade it on of the hottest cat lures going. This lure has a very attractive odor to if that arouses the cats natural curiosity. It sets off the lick/eat instinct overcoming the finicky nature of those high dollar cats. Its got just enough skunk in it to give it some reach. It scores big on coyote, cat, coon, and red fox. "Fat Cat" lure is extremely efficient year round and is just the ticket for use in cage traps. Just smear some on a piece of hide, or duck wing tie it up behind the trigger system. RARELY is there an attractant that is so attractive to all canines, and still so very effecitve. Works all year round but best used after first frost.

4 oz. $24.00 TOP SELLER

"Mustang Sally" won't spook those paranoid coyotes who have gotten used to the common foul-smelling commerical baits or the "perfume" types. Unlike many of today's rank nasty baits which cause a rolling or urinaiton response, "Mustang Sally" grabs a coyotes' attention and triggers a natural desire to actually lick or eat the bait. Coyotes really focus on this bait and will dig a dirt hole to try to remove and eat this bait. And because coyotes want to eat this bait, it also works excellently on getter guns.

4 oz jars - $24.00

I worked on "Canine Candy" for three years. Every time I checked the test sites I was more than pleased; I have one heck of a lure. Several knowledgeable, successful trappers also did some testing for us. The last test was done on wolves using two different sets four miles apart. One was a trap stake hole in the middle of a logging road with a dab of "Brownie". The other has a two hole, set into the side of a small cut bank. Sets (without traps) were checked every four days.

4 oz jars $24.00

All canines will readily investigate a buried skunk or carcass, dig it up, drag it around, and if hungry enough, eat it. "Sweet Skunk" is not a harsh odor as pure skunk essence is. It can be used in a wide variety of applications and in numerous types of sets. It sure is an attraction for all canines. It can be used by itself at a dirt hole or on flat sets or you can make a Killer Trash Pile Set for Bobcat using bits of ground duff, bleached bone and a few odd feathers with a teaspoon of "Sweet Skunk" and a touch of "Cat Puddy". It's also great for compounding your own lures. It will improve any lure or bait.